My new book, Good Faith Hunting: How Baby Boomers Help Recapture a Biblical View of Faith has just been released by Wipf & Stock.
Currently you can order it directly from Wipf & Stock. In a few weeks it will be available from Amazon and other book sellers, plus Kindle and Nook e-book formats.
Church attendance in the United States and other Western nations is rapidly declining, and the losses are not solely because “young people don’t like church.” Baby boomers are also leaving, frequently because the church leadership assumes a believer’s faith and how it plays out is constant over a lifetime. Boomers are a transition generation, undergoing profound faith journeys as they transition through life’s phases. Many churches struggle to connect with people on a journey because the corporate, modernist mindset doesn’t have room for changes and journey.
Good Faith Hunting is a book of hope for church leaders and major influencers who want to celebrate the faith journeys of baby boomers and others through life, allegiance, and experience, as an opportunity to show the love of Christ as they sojourn alongside people in their community.
From the endorsements:
“Here is a book that does more than show us how to think and talk in story. Good Faith Hunting demonstrates the need for the church to become a culture of storytellers, creating stories worth telling. Don’t miss how Henry Stewart has reinvented ‘testimony time’ for the twenty-first century.”
—Leonard Sweet, futurist/semiotician, author of I Am a Follower, Viral, co-author of The Jesus Manifesto & Jesus: A Theography (and many others)
“Good Faith Hunting points the way forward for interacting with our fellow journeyers the way the Apostle Peter suggests: as living stones being built into a spiritual house. In contrast, religious institutions often want to cement us into their walls as dead bricks. Smart leaders engage in the power of persuasive listening, attending to the stories and journeys of those committed to Christ but unsure about the church. If you notice this trend and want to be a positive force in it, pick up this book and read it.”
—Todd Hunter, author of Giving Church Another Chance; Bishop, The Anglican Church in North America
“Smart, passionate, and hopeful, Good Faith Hunting affirms that more often than not, and especially for the hippie generation, one’s faith journey is rarely neat and tidy. This generation, like those of us who follow, knows spiritual life as a wandering-through-the-wilderness trek with God beyond the confines of organized church. What are we to do with lagging church attendance and loving our neighbors? Henry Stewart shows us the way.”
—Donna K. Wallace, author of What Good Is God? Finding Hope in Troubled Times, NY Times bestselling author, writer’s guide and spiritual director
“In this book, Henry Stewart takes us on a journey through the community narrative. He asks the question, how did we get here? and ends with the question, where do we go next? But the joy of the journey is found between those questions. Stewart captures the heart of faith, our journey, and the community narrative. Good Faith Hunting is a book I have enjoyed reading, and one I would say needs to be added to every library.”
—John C. O’Keefe, author of The Church Creative, boneYard and Misfits
If you’re frustrated with “church as we know it” and don’t know where to turn next, you can find some signposts that give voice and show a way forward in the pages of Good Faith Hunting. Pick up a copy for yourself and if you resonate with the themes, give key members of your local congregation their own copy.